MicroEnergy Credits (MEC) is a Seattle-based social enterprise dedicated to empowering people in developing countries to choose healthy, clean, and affordable energy alternatives. By providing established MFIs with the technical and strategic support necessary to develop new sustainable clean energy lending products, MEC aims to overcome the barriers currently preventing impoverished communities from accessing cleaner, more efficient technologies.

“In East Africa the sun is setting over the savanna and Lake Victoria. People are bustling in the busy markets of Nairobi and Kampala. Fishermen mend nets preparing to spend the night out on the lake catching Nile Perch and Tilapia. “Sweet Daddies Chapatti,” a food vendor in Kampala, preps the charcoal in his stoves in anticipation for the evening rush.

A majority of families and businesses are reliant on traditional lighting sources such as kerosene and inefficient cooking technologies that use charcoal or wood. However, more and more families and businesses are taking charge of their energy needs. No longer willing to wait for the grid to be extended to his food Stall, Sweet Daddies Chapatti, recently took advantage of a program offered by his local microfinance institution to purchase solar lighting and an improved cook stove.  Sweet Daddies now enjoys cleaner air, brighter lighting and has reduced his charcoal fuel expenditure by 30%.

Everyday families and business are shifting to new clean energy technologies and are taking charge of their energy futures. Access to microfinance loans and carbon funding are making these clean energy technologies affordable and accelerating this exciting shift.”

This video aims to capture the texture of East Africa, the vision of MEC and the inspire increased understanding about the potential of clean energy solutions.

MicroEnergy Credits in east Africa